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Friary Representative Attends Civic Service For Guildford's New Mayor

Friary Guildford was delighted to receive an invitation for representatives of the Band to attend the Guildford Civic Service on Sunday, following the election of Cllr Gordon Jackson as Mayor of Guildford for 2016-2017.

The Band’s Public Relations Officer, Tim Straker and his wife Maggie joined a packed congregation at Holy Trinity Church to hear the new Mayor declare his promises of office in a service themed around service. Making an outstanding contribution to the proceedings was the Glee Choir of Pirbright Village Primary School who performed an exuberant version of ‘Oh Happy Day’.

Tim Straker commented: ‘It was a memorable occasion, made all the better by the glorious sunshine as the procession then walked down the High Street, led by the Reed’s School Corps of Drums. We later admired the superb flowers in the Castle Grounds, a stunning display of mainly pink and purple tulips, with the gentle background sounds of the Mole Valley Silver Band who were performing in the bandstand. Oh Happy Day indeed!’

Friary Guildford Band sends best wishes to Cllr Jackson for his mayoral year ahead.

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