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Tim Straker - PRO

A Heartily Warm Welcome for Friary at Hartley Wintney

Music lovers at Hartley Wintney gave a warm and enthusiastic welcome to the Friary Brass Band on Sunday at the Victoria Hall. The concert, originally planned for 2021, covered a wide range of music, including opera, hymn tunes, musicals and pop and showcased the band’s versatility as well as some fine soloists.

Chairman of the Victoria Hall charity, Edward Woods commented: “What an uplifting performance with wonderful variety, some great soloists and all the musicians as well as the audience enjoying themselves. A big thank you to a very professional group of musicians.”

Friary chairman, Nigel Stevens, was equally pleased with the event: “It was a delight to play for such an enthusiastic and appreciative audience, most of whom had not heard the band before. We would certainly be very keen to return. It also gave us an opportunity to run out part of our programme for Saturday’s UniBrass Gala Concert, which we’re looking forward to very much,” he added.



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